e.g. Amazon, Warsaw, Startup

252 companies


VisiQuate, Inc came into existence in 2009 as a California innovative product house working in the area of business analytics and big dat...

We are a Digital Marketing Corporation, successfully integrated a few Brands: Digital Marketing Platform, Recruiting agency and Online Ca...


Our Warsaw Team is Growing!Moon Active has experienced remarkable growth over the past few years, with a team of 150+ members based in Wa...

Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Katowice, Lodz, Posnan

Avenga is a global IT consulting and engineering platform. We empower businesses’ digital endeavors by delivering results from 31 locatio...


Who are we?We are a Recruitment Hub established in 2012 specializing in IT.Why do we call ourselves a Recruitment and Culture Hub? Here a...

TeamDev is a company with over 20 years of experience creating our products. One of the main directions is JxBrowser and DotNetBrowser. P...

Warsaw, Bialystok, Gdansk, Posnan, Szczecin

Exadel is an international IT company headquartered in the USA. We design software solutions, deliver digital platforms, and have been cr...


We are a software house based in Gdańsk. This year, we celebrate our 10th birthday! We were remote-friendly from the beginning, and our i...


About Bluefield TechnologiesBluefield Technologies is an R&D company, we develop software, do research, open-source support and consu...


Who we are Our values Our focus Our benefits   For more information about us visit chisw.com.  

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